Eventually a portrait will be required in every home

King County, Washington is becoming more like North Korea, as:
"The portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — part of a proposed new King County logo — will soon be found on county stationery, vehicles and buildings throughout the area....

The new logo will first appear on new county park signs and corrections-department uniforms, according to Carolyn Duncan, a spokeswoman for the county. The King logo will replace the gold-crown logo on stationery as it runs out and on Metro buses when they are replaced." - Seattle Times. (See also Larry Auster.)
I imagine the next step will be to require the display of King’s portrait in every home. And after that - what? Will the delicious hamburger’s name be changed to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Burger King Whopper jr.? And must King’s supporters insist on including the honorific ‘Doctor' each time they mention his name? It would be embarrassing even if he hadn’t plagiarized parts of his doctoral dissertation.

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