Dispatch from Helvetia

A Swiss political party’s proposal to deport immigrant families “if their children are convicted of a violent crime, drug offenses or benefits fraud” has provoked hyperbolic reaction, within Switzerland and without.

The Swiss Foundation against Racism and Anti-Semitism dishonestly equated the policy to “the Nazi practice of "Sippenhaft" — or kin liability — whereby relatives of criminals were held responsible for his or her crimes and punished equally”. AP reporter Frank Jordans even invoked Stalin and Mao, claiming, “Similar practices occurred during Stalin's purges in the early days of the Soviet Union and the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution in China, when millions were persecuted for their alleged ideological failings.” Mr. Jordans seems to have a novel notion of what reporting is, and and a novel notion of what the word “similar” means.

The UN has also condemned the proposal, suggesting it may violate European law, an odd complaint considering Switzerland is not a member of the EU.

One hears so little news from Switzerland, why is this story getting attention? Because Switzerland has sanely resisted mass immigration, and therefore poses a threat to the countries which haven’t. In coming years ‘xenophobic’ and ‘homogenous’ Switzerland will be increasingly subject to hostility and vilification from the ‘open’ and ‘diverse’ United States and EU, because the contrast between them and Switzerland will be so embarrassing.


  1. Strange. When I was a child my father was held financially responsible for any wrongs I committed. But of course he would not go to jail for my crimes.

    In Switzerland no one is proposing imprisoning the parents, merely sending them back home to their motherland.

    There are government housing projects ("estates", to your Brits) in the United States that expel welfare recipients who fail to control their children.

    If you son lives in your apartment and sells drugs, you may find yourself looking for housing elsewhere.

    Switzerland is simply proposing this on a national level.

    Switzerland has always frightened the globalists, communists, Nazis and anti-fascists.

    In the new global future no nation will be permitted to remain neutral or have an independent foreign policy.

  2. "In Switzerland no one is proposing imprisoning the parents, merely sending them back home to their motherland"

    Exactly. The comparison to Sippenhaft is more than stupid, but an intentional lie. But then open borderists lie constantly.

    "In the new global future no nation will be permitted to remain neutral or have an independent foreign policy."

    I seriously expect Switzerland will be subjected to threats, probably releated to economic matters, if it doesn't get with the EU/US diversity/immigration program.

  3. This should help keep the Eurabia debate alive...

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    countries have NO rights

    global village idiots
    must control the debate

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    hate living in peaceful lands

    destroy your new homes
    make them like ones you fled



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