Adios F. Caballero

A disturbing story from Mexico alerts me to a major donkey safety flaw:
A Mexican woman says she fought a 226kg lion with a machete near the resort city of Acapulco and scared him away.

Celsa Aleman said she and her seven-year-old niece were riding a donkey along a road when the lion went after the animal's legs.

The 35-year-old woman said she found the courage to fight the lion because she thought it would attack her niece.

She said she hit the animal with a machete until the beast ran away.
If donkeys attract lion attacks, even in  Mexico where wild lions are nearly extinct, then there really is no place safe to ride them. I regret urging everyone to buy one.


  1. I have no donkey, but I do have a niece. Please advise.

  2. This Christmas when you buy your niece a donkey, also buy her a Mexican woman with a machete.

  3. The presence of lions strikes me as a major safety flaw in Mexico, to say nothing of a zoological anomaly.

  4. Relatively, lions are one of Mexico's minor safety flaws.

  5. Note to self, sell donkey, buy machete.

  6. Has anyone ever been killed by grenade while on a donkey? If not, and given the ubiquity of both in Mexico, it may be that the increased risk of lion is outweighed by the decreased risk of grenade.

  7. Anon: Forget machetes, buy grenades.


    In Mexico? I don't know. Because Middle Eastern donkeys sometimes explode, soldiers have been known to throw grenades at them.

  8. I bought a donkey, and it turns out he can talk. So I read my blog pieces to him before I post them, and you know what? He always says: POST IT! Then I say to him: NOW WHAT? We usually communicate in two-word sentences, but this time he said "Get a horse." I assumed he wanted someone to talk to that was on his level. So I bought a horse, and now neither one of them talks to me. So I went up to the corner bar.


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