
The above photo of a UFO was taken in New Hampshire in 1870. If you look closely you can see a swastika on the side of the UFO. The swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol. Could it be a photo of a Vimana Aircraft?


  1. "Could it be a photo of a Vimana Aircraft?"


  2. Hindu sky craft would surely be more ornate than this rather humdrumly designed "cigar-shaped object". This is probably a Shinto Space Ship (SSS).

  3. It's dangerous to mention the SSS, very dangerous.

    I can't actually tell if it's flying or resting on the side of the mountain, which means it could be a ski lodge built for the all the Hindus that vacationed in New Hampshire during the 1870's.

    I also think I should get some credit for not invoking any Nazi time-travel theories.

  4. That's interesting carlo23barbara, but I fail to see what that has to do with Vimana aircraft.

  5. I think carlo23barbara might be an alien.


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