Curiouser curious encounters, a selection (Part II)

Source: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA UFO SIGHTINGS DATABASE, compiled by Jacques Vallee. Commentary added.

We’ve come a long way, and we could use a little water:

Apr. 22, 1897. Josserand, Texas. Frank Nichols, who lived 3 km east of Josserand and was one of its most respected citizens, was awakened by a machine noise. Looking outside, he saw a heavy, lighted object land in his wheat field. He walked toward it, was stopped by two men who asked permission to draw water from his well. He then had a discussion with a half-dozen men, the crew of the strange machine. He was told how it worked but could not follow the explanation.

May. 06, 1897. Hot Springs, Arkansas. Two policemen, Sumpter and McLenore, were riding northwest of Hot Springs when they saw a bright light in the sky. About 7 km farther they saw the light again coming down to the ground. One km farther the horses refused to walk. Two men were seen carrying lights. The lawmen took their rifles, called the strangers, and were told that they crossed the country with a flying craft. The silhouette of the machine, about 2O m long, could be seen in the clearing. There was a woman with an umbrella nearby. It was raining, and the younger of the men was filling a large container with water. The elder man had a beard and suggested that the policemen fly with them "to a place where it does not rain." The same witness went back through the same spot 40 min later and found nothing.

Aug., 1914. Georgian Bay, Canada. William J. Kiehl and seven other persons saw a spherical craft on the surface of the water. On its deck were two small men wearing green-purple clothes. They seemed to be busy with a hose, plunging it into the water. On the opposite side were three men dressed in light brown, wearing square masks down to their shoulders. Seeing the witnesses, they reentered the craft except for one dwarf, wearing shoes with a curved, pointed tip, who remained outside while the craft rose 3 m above the water and shot upward, leaving a short trail.

Jul. 02, 1950. Steep Rock Lake, Canada. In a story strangely similar to that of Mr. Kiehl (Aug., 1914)...a man and his wife saw a double saucer with portholes and a rotating antenna come to rest on the surface of the lake. Ten figures, 1.20 m tall, dressed in shiny clothing, emerged and walked on deck like robots "changing direction without turning their bodies." Their faces could not be seen. One of them wore a red cap, had darker arms and legs and "seemed to be their chief." They immersed a hose in the lake, then took off. Fishermen later reported a green moss forming on the lake.

Jul. 24, 1952 Vico, Italy. A man who was fishing in the Serchio River saw a disk hovering for 10 min. From it hung a hose that plunged into the water. The object was 20 m in diameter, with five propellers in the rear and a dome with something like blades on top. An orange glow could be seen through slits along the deck. A man wearing a diving helmet looked at the witness through a window, and he received a kind of electric shock as a "green ray" hit him. He looked up with difficulty, in time to see the object fly away toward the east.
[What happened next resembles a classic ‘Men in Black’ encounter, the elements of which did not become popularized until 1953.] Six days later a stranger with a foreign accent contacted the witness and intimidated him.

May. 20, 1953. Brush Creek, California. Two miners, John Q. Black, 48, and John Van Allen, reported that an object, silvery, 2.5 m in diameter, 2 m thick, with a tripod landing gear, landed on a sand bar 50 m away from them. An occupant described as a broad shouldered dwarf wearing clothing that covered the head and the trunk was also seen. His arms and legs were covered with tweedlike cloth fastened at the wrists and ankle. He filled a shiny pail with water and handed it to someone inside the craft. He then appeared to notice Black and jumped into the craft, which made a hissing sound and departed.

Spring, 1960. Syracuse, New York. An electronics engineer was fishing when he heard a shrill, whirring sound and saw a round object, with a rotating light on top, land on the shore. The sound gradually stopped, an opening became visible, and two dwarfs with oversized heads came out with a hose and pumped water from the river. Later they appeared to play like children. Their bodies glowed with lights of changing colors.

We’ve come a long way, and we could use a little water and some vegetables:

Nov. 04, 1954. Pontal, Brazil. Jose Alves was fishing in the Pardo River when he suddenly saw a craft approach with a wobbling motion and landing near him. Shaped like two washbowls placed together, it was about 4.5 m in diameter. Too terrified to move, the witness saw three little men, dressed in white, wearing tight-fitting skull caps, with dark skin, come out of the craft, gather vegetables and water and fly away.

And some grapes:

Sep. 28, 1954. Bouzais, France. At "Le Grand Tertre" Mr. Mercier observed that someone had stolen grapes from his vineyard. He decided to stay late and catch the "robbers." He was amazed when he saw a luminous mass fall from the sky about 50 m away, and found himself "paralyzed" as three figures emerged from the light and moved about. He lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, everything had vanished.

If it isn’t any trouble some flowers would be nice as well:

Nov. 01, 1954. Poggio d'Ambra, Italy. A 40-year-old lady going to a cemetery suddenly observed an object, shaped like two cones with a common base, resting on a grassy space. Two small seats were visible inside the lower cone. From behind the object appared two dwarfs, 1 m tall, wearing gray coveralls and reddish helmets. Speaking words she could not understand, and with smiles that showed fine white teeth, they took a pot of flowers from the witness and flew away.

And some rabbits:

Nov. 14, 1954. Isola, Italy. Amerigo Lorenzini, a farmer, saw a bright, cigar-shaped craft land near him and took cover. Out of it came three dwarfs dressed in metallic diving suits. They centered their attention on rabbits in a cage while speaking among themselves in an unknown language. Thinking they were going to steal the animals, the farmer aimed a rifle at the intruders, but it failed to fire and the witness suddenly felt so weak that he had to drop the gun. The dwarfs took the rabbits, and their craft departed, leaving a bright trail.

If you don't mind, we’ll just take this chicken back to our homeworld. And this tobacco plant. Thanks again.

Dec. 11, 1954. Linha Bela Vista, Brazil. Near the site of Case 349, Pedro Morais saw two human beings dressed in "yellow bags" take a tobacco plant and a chicken, then go away. Their craft "had a bottom like an enormous polished brass kettle," hovered with an oscillatin motion, and made a noise like a sewing machine. Its upper part resembled a jeep hood.

We'll pay for some of your precious water in intergalactic currency:

Apr. 18, 1961. Eagle River, Wisconsin. J. Simonton heard a whining sound and saw an object, 10 m in diameter, 4 m high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land near his house. A door was opened and a man appeared. About 1.50 m tall, he wore a black, turtle-neck pullover with a white band at the belt, and black trousers with a vertical white band along the side. Two figures were visible inside the object. Simonton filled a jug with water, returned it to the man, who gave him three ordinary pancakes, and the craft took off.

Dressed for success:

Nov. 06, 1957. Everittstown, New Jersey. John Trasco saw a brilliant, egg-shaped object hovering in front of a barn and was confronted with a being 1 m tall with a putty-colored face and frog-like eyes. He thought the dwarf said in broken English: "We are peaceful people; we only want your dog." The little man, who was dressed in a green suit with shiny buttons, a green tam-o-shanter-like cap, and gloves with a shiny object at the tip of each finger, fled when the witness denied his request.


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