Spaghetti pants to dance

From the Tide Online, the world’s newspaper of record:

Wizard caught in the act [This one has a shocker of an ending!]

“Suffer not a witch to live,” so says the Holy Bible and the people of Dema in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State may have well done exactly that.
Small Talks was reliably informed that a man, given to witchcraft had come to the end of the road..."

Girls dance with pants in PH brothels

"Prostitution in the Diobu area of Port Harcourt is taking a new dimension as young girls in the hotels now wear spaghetti pants to dance in the open place...Many of the prostitutes also tend to give extra sexual comfort to their customers to enable them earn more than the specified fee for sex. Most of them go by the slogan “I will satisfy you. I will climb you,” they say."


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