Taepodong taepodong taepodong let me launch you let me launch you taepodong

Another day, another mystery solved, as this morning while shaving it occurred to me that the Flynn Effect was caused by the dwindling of the Earth’s magnetic field over the last 145 or so years.

Meanwhile in Kolkata, India, large crowds have converged on a hospital to witness patient Sambhu Roy holding the large piece of his skull which recently fell off. Luckily for Sambhu doctors have patched the hole in his head with a soiled rag.

That this sort of thing doesn’t happen in America illustrates how television has blunted our natural human curiosity and sense of wonder. Good luck Sambhu, here’s hoping you have a speedy recovery.


  1. I liked the way you write current affairs. I have written something abt North Korean missile too over here http://flexyble.blogspot.com/2006/07/taepodong-and-me_07.html
    have a look!

  2. Interesting. Since on your blog you say you are follower of the ancient Egyptian religion, I am wondering if you consider the crocodile to be a sacred beast or an enemy?


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