Light reading

Old issues of The Crisis (“a journal of civil rights, history, politics, and culture that “seeks to educate and challenge its readers about issues that continue to plague African Americans and other communities of color”) are now online, so I no longer have to go the library to read them. In an issue from 1995 I found an amusing interview with Barack Obama. In it he explains “it’s liberating to be in a country where black people are in the overwhelming majority”; says “integration is not a victory on our part”; and complains about his grandmother’s rational fear of  “strange black men”.

Two of the greatest publications in American history, the Weekly World News and LIFE Magazine, are also available. Both teem with incredible stories.


  1. Quite incredible. I was surprised to hear that a public paddling could not save the marriage.

  2. The quotes from the couple are hilarious.

    On p.99 is the famous "High-brow, Low-brow, Middle-brow" article. Also interesting is the article about Churchill's speech before a crowd of 14,000 at Boston Garden, and of course the ads.


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