Science & arts

Scientists have discovered a way to increase muscle mass and strength in monkeys. “Remember when you made fun of us in high school?” said one researcher, “Well who’s laughing now?”

Dr. J. Allan Hobson, A sleep researcher at at Harvard, thinks “Dreaming is a parallel state of consciousness that is continually running but normally suppressed during waking.”

What if, at certain times, the suppression is disrupted? The parallel dream state leaking into waking consciousness might be behind many accounts of Yetis, UFO’s, aliens, bull-beggars, spirits, elves, hags, fairies, satyrs, pans, faunes, sylens, tritons, centaurs, dwarfs, nymphes, Incubus, Robin good fellow, the spoom, the man in the oke, the fire-drake, the puckle, Tom Thombe, Tom tumbler boneless, and other nonsense. One thing it does not explain is the Sandsend Blob, because it was seen by a person and a dog.


“Among [Szukalski’s] most strongly held (and extensively documented) theories was the notion that a race of malevolent Yeti have been interbreeding with humans since time out of mind, and that the hybrid offspring are bringing about the end of civilization. As proof of this he pointed to the Russians.”

“Ships cannot be made subjects of sculpture.” - John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice.


  1. Dr. J. Allan Hobson, A sleep researcher at at Harvard, thinks “Dreaming is a parallel state of consciousness that is continually running but normally suppressed during waking.”

    I believe this ties in to my current research on "Drunkeness being a parallel state of consciousness that is continually running but normally suppressed during sobriety".

  2. Ben Hecht, the Chicago reporter and screenwriter, writes about the Szukalski he knew at length in his autobiography "A Child of the Century," but there is no mention of Yetiism. It's sad to see that the Russo-Yeti power bloc is censoring even our literature.

  3. I've finally looked at pictures of Szukalski's scupltures, and they're ... well, words fail me. The Michelangelo of Mars?

    His model for the "Rooster of Gaul" monumental statue he wanted the U.S. to give France in return for the Statue of Liberty looks like ... say the Aztec Empire had survived into modern times. That's what the greatest Aztec sculptor would be doing.

  4. Michelangelo of Mars is an apt characterization. Or the Art Deco Aztec. He would have been the perfect set designer for a John Carter of Mars movie.

    I find the craziness reflected in his work unpleasant. I dislike most "outsider" art (Aztec and Mayan, too, for that matter) for the same reason.

    Szukalski's book on Zermatism has the great title of Behold!!! the Protong.


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