Swingin in the hall Out of reach

Macon, GA teacher Greg Dougherty is being persecuted for having a sense of humor:
A Central High School social studies teacher could lose his job "for mimicking an African-American" at a student-faculty basketball game March 25. Bibb County Schools Superintendent Sharon Patterson said Tuesday that she has recommended Greg Dougherty for termination.
Erin Weaver, principal at Central High, confirmed Tuesday that Dougherty was on administrative leave and had been recommended for termination "for mimicking an African-American."
The Telegraph reviewed photos taken at the event that show Dougherty wearing an exaggerated Afro-like wig, and with brownish makeup covering his face and arms.
It should surprise no one that Dougherty is that rare teacher children enjoy learning from:
Jeffrey Daniel, 18, another senior at Central High, praised Dougherty as someone "who has done wonders for the community and the school," and has participated in after-school tutoring programs. 
"He's an amazing teacher who can even get a class excited about economics," Daniel said. "He cares a lot about students."
As this article notes, Dougherty has a history of expressing himself, and being scolded for it by administrative killjoys:
In 1999 Dougherty was accused of making sexually inappropriate comments to female students, Bibb County Schools Superintendent Sharon Patterson said.
This is why vouchers need to be enacted – so I can set up a school where free speech is encouraged and teachers wearing blackface is mandatory.


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