She's my sunshine, my moonshine

The pseuds at Crooked Timber are aghast Roger Kimball dared to blaspheme Gandhi, the diaper wearing, urine drinking idol of the modern Left. A fool and windbag, Gandhi is arguably the most overrated figure of the 20th century, and the 20th century is a century filled with overrated figures. Those interested in learning more about Gandhi, including details of his love of enemas and his idiotic views regarding Hitler, should read the essay The Gandhi Nobody Knows by Richard Grenier, which I cannot recommend highly enough.


  1. Love it. Clearly an example of deification in support of idealism.

  2. Who would you choose as the most over rated figure of the 20th century?

  3. Gandhi had his eccentricities, but his attire wasn't a diaper. Are you trying to be ignorant and xenophobic, or does it just come naturally?

  4. Here is photo of The Great Man in what can only be described as a third-world version of an adult diaper.


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