Flotsam and jetsam

In New Zealand a yellow-bellied sea snake washed ashore near Dargaville. Authorities say the snake is nothing to be concerned about, but the image of the black and bright yellow snake, twisted and dead on the wet sand near Dargavile, continues to haunt me.

For the second day in a row an Air Force drone washed ashore on the beach in Alabama. Authorities insisted the drones “contain no explosives” (who ever said they did?), and are “not a threat.”

Hundreds of dead fish washed ashore at Chemong Lake in Canda. Authorities say this is “normal”, and that “there's no cause for concern.” It’s widely believed the dead fish contain no explosives.

It’s not often someone regrets not finding hundreds of dead fish, but that’s probably what a Texas couple was feeling after discovering a partially decomposed human leg while strolling on a South Padre Island beach. The leg washed ashore wearing a sneaker. Authorities say they have no explanation for the leg. They also don’t say we shouldn’t be alarmed. Does that mean we should be alarmed?

Also in Texas, a leg belonging to a man washed ashore at lake. Later his head and torso washed ashore miles away at a different lake. Local authorities are investigating “the possibility of foul play”.

A dead whale with a rope tied around its tail and a steel cable in its mouth washed ashore in Jakkalsputz, Namibia. Authorities believe the whale might have been a victim of whaling, but accidental death as a result of sex games involving physical restraint hasn’t been ruled out.


  1. That wasn't a dead yellow-bellied sea snake that washed ashore. It was a whale penis that had been bitten off by a cruel female Orka from west Africa. She was known as the Loretta Bobbit of marine mammals.


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