Color it is in sense

When not eating former Kentucky Derby Winning race horses or ice cream which tastes like race horses, it would seem the Japanese people spend the day sending me emails. Hundreds of them. Unfortunately, the emails are all in Japanese, which I can’t read. But through that miracle of modern compu-tology known as Google Language Tools I’ve been translating them. One particularly profound correspondent wrote:

Very the adult the community of atmosphere. When you express in one word, the maniac it is the sight where the people get together. It does not go with to the ripening woman, but well enough the woman of seniority being many, the shank. Because by his is still younger one, it had making to the people study who meet here various types. Color it is in sense. As for me when if anything the junior child is the taste, but good quality of seniority you tasted here. Rather than how you say, or there is a magnanimity, it is with the shank, settling, the [ru]. Well, even with the money regardless there is a room in life, it is probably will be. Simply, to rust and force heart and the body, like.

Years from now, maybe when you are driving, maybe when you are half asleep in front of the TV, maybe when you are lying in a hospital bed, these words will come back to you, and you will find yourself wanting to shout if not actually shouting, “Of course! That’s it exactly!”


  1. Of course! It all makes sense now!

  2. There is a magnanimity, it is with the shank!

    I wonder what "the [ru]" is. Speak any Japanese?


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