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A cabin fire forced a private jet carrying bands Ratt and Dokken to make an emergency landing . The cause of the fire remains unexplained. Also unexplained: how the jet traveled through time from the year 1986. In Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital news : [A]long with Holden III we released a large Loggerhead, “Sandy Bay” who came to us this spring quite ill but with a lot of attitude. “Monroe,” another Loggerhead admitted last year with horrific propeller injuries to his carapace is the other rehab overachiever who joined Holden and Sandy Bay as they departed our care into the arms of Mother Ocean. Godspeed, and stay safe out there. The Tamil Nadu Emu mania has ended exactly the way everyone not an enthusiast of large flightless birds could have told you it would end, but as usual nobody ever listened.