Archaeological News


A stone head depicting my high school history teacher Mr. Podbury was unearthed in a Cupar garden. “Top experts” have no idea who carved the head, but agree it’s “very, very old”. I called Podbury to see if he could shed any light on the matter. When he answered I told him I was with the utility company, there was a gas leak, and he needed to open all his doors and windows then flush his toilet ten times. Some people never change I guess.


  1. "Top experts" no doubt also agree that the head depicts someone of "high status."
    Possibly a Pictish history teacher, in this case.

  2. A lot easier to teach history in those days, because there was less of it.

  3. You could've asked him if his refrigerator was running, and if he said yes tell him he better go catch it.

  4. Makes me miss living in Fife!

  5. Because where you live now you can't dig up amazing things in your yard?

    For me, the brow furrows are what really make that sculpture work.

  6. More than that I miss planting amazing things in other people's yards.

  7. Ha ha. Practical jokes with a delay are the best.

  8. That looks just like the stone head I made of my history teacher!

  9. You had a Podbury, Edward? Maybe Podburys are a separate species, who since ancient times has walked among us, observing, and sometimes teaching history to indifferent human teenagers.

  10. I think this is the head sculpture that every amateur makes. As I recall I attempted to make a sculpture, out play dough, of my father when I was fourteen and it turned out EXACTLY like this one of Mr. Podbury.


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