Return to Whitby

If she doesn’t get £30 million Whitby will “fall into the sea”, or so an “expert” touted by Whitby’s alarmist local newspaper would have you believe.

It sounds like a huge scam, though it may be Whitby's Atlantis-like demise is the inexorable fulfillment of some ancient curse. Either way, spending the £30 million will be a huge waste.


  1. And even if Whiby does fall into the sea, why is that necessarily a bad thing? Perhaps in such event it will be magically transformed into the Venice of England. Imagine the thrill visitors to this unexpected tourist haven would experience as their gondolier directs their attention to the Sandsen Blob plying the waters of the newly formed canals. This is surely a win-win for Whitby.

    1. And a lot of goths would get a much needed bath.

  2. Whitby would certainly be more appealing if it sank beneath the waves. Surely the millions of pounds would be better spent on really nice sub-aqua gear for everyone?

    1. I searched for information on the "expert", Dr. Nick Cooper, and found this.

  3. It's started !!!


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