Mind Over Matters

Pondering recent events in the Middle East I realized it would ease tensions if news reports referred to Israel’s raid on the aid flotilla as Israel’s raid on the AIDS tortilla. It then occurred to me redefining oil as “nature’s gravy” makes the oil leak crisis go away. A story headlined "Massive Flow of Nature’s Gravy Means Early Thanksgiving for Gulf Coast Shorebirds" would be heartwarming. Economic conditions seem less grim if one pictures the economy as a donkey who tries to rape children.


  1. Excellent blog.

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    I have added http://acrossdifficultcountry.blogspot.com/ in my blog http://news-updations.blogspot.com/.

    I am pleased to see my blog in your blog list.

    Hope to see a positive reply.

    Thanks for visiting my blog as well !

    Waiting for your reply friend !!!!!

  2. How do you feel about donkeys, Megaan?

  3. Excellent animal.
    Fancy the donkey I have seen so far. I have added the donkey to my friends. Hope to receive positive from Golden Ass. Thanks for visiting my donkey.

  4. Forget it Carter, she says that to all the boys.

  5. Trust me, Mr. Carter, as one who also expected to receive positive but was disapointed, you are not Megaan's first suitor.


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