Glorious Piles

An examination of nearly a thousand Egyptian and South American mummies revealed few incidences of cancer, leading researchers to conclude the disease is caused by the modern way of life, and me to conclude properly operated large stone pyramids prevent cancer.


  1. Fuck this bullshit. Lets talk about the possibility of a nude negro law passing in florida. That would be something.

  2. All right. Would passage of this law that only you seem to know about prohibit negro nudity, or make it mandatory?

  3. Mandatory of course. In theory it would cut down on the crime rate as I've read, but even if passed it would probably be declared unconstitutional and not enforced. But hey, After first reading about this I could'nt get the thought out of my head of totally nude negresses walking around town.

  4. I've heard that it is not bullshit that a crystalline ziggurat applied to the shin is an excellent cure for gout.

    Perhaps Mr Thunder can enlighten us about which diseases can be cured by application of a nude negro?

  5. I think he's moved on to other things.

  6. Let us hope so.

  7. A nude negro law would make things more relaxed out there. Less stress equals less disease.


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