The Sports of Love

From the pages of the Siberian Times comes the story of the power lifter who killed out of love for Gadaffi, whom she never met.


  1. Sorry to go off subject, but My Dear Sir, I was wondering whether you had heard the news about killer giant hornets in China? e.g.

    1. There's a terrific NatGeo (I think) show about those which films them invading a honeybee hive.

    2. I would love to see a documentary on what happens when a hornet attempts to invade a Japanese honey bee hive. See

    3. A fun question for environmentalists: if those things were endangered should steps be taken to preserve them?

    4. In Lilo and Stitch, Earth was designated as a wildlife sanctuary to protect the mosquito. The aliens who came to Earth were excited to be bitten by them.

      Anyway, amazing how even Russia doesn't have enough alpha males for their women. No, that's not the problem, the problem is that women are ever trusted, at all, for any reason. They are born traitors.

    5. It shouldn't be surprising a lady powerlifter took an impulse too far.

  2. Will you compose the rock opera based on this story or shall I? From the article it appears the show-stopping aria has already been written by the heroine herself.

    1. Great idea. You do the music, I will come up with some lyrics that ryhme with Ustiuzhaninova.

    2. I find it curious the Siberian Amazon wrote her message in English.

    3. Everyone communicates in English now. It's the universal language of "Put Me On Television."

      Stealing a two hour slab of Schoenberg performed on an oud will work for the music.


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