
The President and the Speaker of the House smoke cigarettes, yet both are so feeble neither will lift a finger to reduce the burden of taxes and regulations which weigh upon ordinary tobacco hobbyists. Embodiments of the modern male type, they've been drained and transformed by prevailing sentiments; not leaders, they wriggle about the nation’s capitol like some strange species of giant, fleshy earthworm. Their inaction is a tragedy for America, as the graph below irrefutably demonstrates:


  1. Recently Sailer expressed concern that his readers don't actually appreciate the graphs he puts together to explain his points. If his graphs were as powerful as this one, he'd needn't worry.

  2. Even though I made the graph, I only now noticed that in the Good Old Days the USA had a magnitude of 50. That's amazing, if you think about it.

  3. I originally read "hobbyists" and "lobbyists". Though I suppose many of the lobbyists are hobbyists as well.

  4. How come this infernal blogger doesn't have one of them Like buttons like they got on that Facebook thingy...

  5. TGGP: Demonizing tobacco lobbyists diverts attention from the truly evil lobbyists.

    Non: I added some buttons.

  6. I believe there is a direct correlation between Altoids and smoking. You should do a graph on this! It seems improbable that a person could have time, and tolerance, for both smoking and Altoids. I know of two historic examples of literary figures who gave up smoking and took up those tasty hard candy-type Altoids. Vladimir Nabokov and myself.

  7. You can't smoke indoors anymore, so I have plenty of time.

    I recall reading VN say he quit smoking (at one point he was up to four packs a day) by switching to a "hard candy", I never knew it was Altoids.


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