The Mystic Dwarves of Florentino Floro Jr

In the Philippines Judge Florentino Floro Jr has been dismissed from the bench for using the advice of his three dwarf friends Armand, Luis and Angel, to decide cases. According to Judge Floro, the mystic dwarves, or “dwendes”, communicate with him using psychic powers.

This sad tale illustrates how, even in these supposedly enlightened and tolerant times, the ugly prejudice of heightism continues to ruin lives.


  1. There is much to reflect on in your statements, Judge. In the near future I will be adding your webpage to my sidebar, and I will attempt to use my high level contacts to get the word out about the travesty of justice which has been perpetrated.

  2. Sadly, it usually is about vengeance.

    Judge Floro, given your unique perspective, I was wondering if you have any insights on the Jon Benet Ramsay case?


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